We have designed a new concept for a cheap, clean and powerful engine running on hydrogen.
Not a fuel cell engine. An internal combustion engine.
New automotive equipments are needed to use hydrogen as a fuel
Be it for injection, combustion management, storage, exhaust lines, etc… numerous new equipments are needed from automotive suppliers. This is a new line of equipments that is demanded by integrators and mechanics.
Turbo-charger, electronic calculators, hydrogen storage and connecting pipes only to cite a few …
This explosive and somewhat annoyingly small molecule requires automotive suppliers to be rather creative in providing industrials with specific equipement for storing and transporting hydrogen. The sealing aspects will be of utmost importance so as not to lose control.
Injection and combustion
From electronic calculators down to new types of injectors, precise fine tuning is required to allow for proper energy generation using the right quantity of hydrogen, at the right time and under the right pressure. The real-time calculation tuning will obviously play a key role in managing these different components as an integrated system.
Exhaust systems
Hydrogen combustion generates more water than traditional engines do. Exhaust systems will need to adjust to this constraint while allowing for higher combustion temperatures as well. Water filtration and recycling will also be needed requiring specific separation techniques.